Be the 10%

The Crypto Trading Site

Zero to HERO


Trading signals

Trade plans, you can trade. No bullshit.


Learn how to analyse the market, and how to trade.

Zero to HERO


The Path…

We start with an affordable amount of capital, and show the way from DAY 0, how to turn it into a wealth. The trades and the capital of CryptoZ will be public. So you can see -that with the proper strategy-, how it grows threw the time, and what you can achieve when you follow it.

“Follow” – it doesn’t mean, that you need to be here from the beginning! That’s the point. You can join anytime! The essence of this is The Path.

This is about trading now. But you will see that there is so much more…

Trading Signals

Proof of Work

Trades we take – No bullshit

This is no bullshit! These are real trades. We are not just writing about it, we actually do it. You will be able to see all of the results. You can subsrcibe for the newsletter, to be first-hand informed and ready to take action!
You receive a link to copytrade our trades.


Take off your blindfold

Rules & Freedom

Trading is the ultimate freedom you ever imagined. There are no boundaries, you can do whatever you want, nobody cares.
You need to earn money! For this to be achieved, you need to follow some essential rules.

Step by Step

We build you up as a trader step by step, to help you succeed.

It wont be easy. Trading isn’t easy money. Trading is hard work and discipline…, but the reward is awesome amount of money!

You need to learn! But we teach.


90% of the traders loose money. They read books, watch youtube videos, see ads about trading, and guess what…
90% of them are loosing their money right now!

You are in the 10%, who found this page through the noise!

Go and learn!

This is about…

CHECK OUT SOME OF the articles

The Path…

A lot to say…There are 3 blocks on the page, and they are very much correlated. “Zero to HERO”, “Trading Signals” and “The…